The Perfect Post and Other Blogger Business
There’s something that I love about words, naked on the page of a blog. Do you agree? I just think there's something so true, so raw, about a blog with no fancy graphic design, no blogexplosion buttons, no flashing ads. Just the blogger and her readers and the words.
And yet...
I gotta be perfectly honest. I totally want a fancy design for my blog AND I can't seem to stop adding new buttons to my sidebar. Can’t. Stop. Adding them.
When I looked at my sidebar yesterday, I felt like Michael Jackson must have felt after his seventh nose surgery when he realized that, not only did his nose look better before he had all that work done, but there was no going back to the way it was. And he was going to do it again, and again, and again.
I knew I was headed that direction when I added this button the other day:

This is a blog for Peet’s sake not a Jerry Springer Spring Break contest! And yet, I found myself adding it anyway. I have no idea where I came across it, but I know I must have dug pretty deep to find that one.
Anyway, now that I have all these flashy doodads on my sidebar, I actually find myself needing to dedicate an entire post to button-related announcements. Scary.
So without further ado, on to the business at hand:
1. I just joined the Blogging Chicks blogroll and, in doing so, I solemnly swore that I would post about the blogroll on my blog. It's a nice little blogroll, so check it out if you haven’t joined yet.
2. I also just joined BloggerChicks, Izzy Mom’s very cool LinkRoll. Now just to be clear, that’s BloggerChicks, not to be confused with Blogging Chicks, previously mentioned in announcement #1. If you'd like to join, just go to her site and ask to be added.
3. I have a new renter--Jennster! Jennster makes me laugh every single time I read her blog. For one, she’s a renegade. (For example, today she posted her Thursday Thirteen despite the fact that it’s not Thursday. Yeah, total rebel.) And for two, she's not afraid to use profanity on her blog and to actually spell out the dirty words, unlike me who uses asteriks like a p**sy to mask what everyone knows are dirty words. So, I recommend giving her a visit. She's f**king great. Just click on “my lovely renter” on the sidebar.
And finally, I must not close this post without giving away a button. So...I would like to present the Perfect Post award† for May to Mom-101 for the meme on George W. that she posted the other day. It's not like Mom-101 needs me to award her anything. All of her readers know that every post she writes is perfection. However, I was still taken by surprise when I found out that even her memes are perfect. It had me spitting out my Coca Cola I was laughing so hard. That's how I knew it was the funniest, most creative meme I have ever read.
Well, I think that about covers it.
Oh, wait, just one more thing if you're still reading...
If you do happen to think I’m hot, and you're so inclined, you can click on the “hot or not” button and let me know. (*wink*)
†The perfect post awards is a way for bloggers to recognize other bloggers and is the creation of two great minds: Lucinda and MommaK.
And yet...
I gotta be perfectly honest. I totally want a fancy design for my blog AND I can't seem to stop adding new buttons to my sidebar. Can’t. Stop. Adding them.

I knew I was headed that direction when I added this button the other day:

This is a blog for Peet’s sake not a Jerry Springer Spring Break contest! And yet, I found myself adding it anyway. I have no idea where I came across it, but I know I must have dug pretty deep to find that one.
Anyway, now that I have all these flashy doodads on my sidebar, I actually find myself needing to dedicate an entire post to button-related announcements. Scary.
So without further ado, on to the business at hand:

2. I also just joined BloggerChicks, Izzy Mom’s very cool LinkRoll. Now just to be clear, that’s BloggerChicks, not to be confused with Blogging Chicks, previously mentioned in announcement #1. If you'd like to join, just go to her site and ask to be added.
3. I have a new renter--Jennster! Jennster makes me laugh every single time I read her blog. For one, she’s a renegade. (For example, today she posted her Thursday Thirteen despite the fact that it’s not Thursday. Yeah, total rebel.) And for two, she's not afraid to use profanity on her blog and to actually spell out the dirty words, unlike me who uses asteriks like a p**sy to mask what everyone knows are dirty words. So, I recommend giving her a visit. She's f**king great. Just click on “my lovely renter” on the sidebar.

Well, I think that about covers it.
Oh, wait, just one more thing if you're still reading...
If you do happen to think I’m hot, and you're so inclined, you can click on the “hot or not” button and let me know. (*wink*)
†The perfect post awards is a way for bloggers to recognize other bloggers and is the creation of two great minds: Lucinda and MommaK.
Great choice for the perfect post. Well deserved.
Oh and, ya, you're hot :)
hot, of course!!!
Hot, Hot hot!
Hey, didn't I see your name on the perfect post awards as well? I think I did :)
Well deserved!
I'm a clean freak so I can't clutter. I know. Never would have known that one.
Hot or Not? What is this? A Beauty contest? lol
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Let me try this again, without all the typos.
You're so cool you're HOT! A #10 all the way.
I too have a fetish with buttons and things on my sidebar, footer, etc. I'm always looking for something to "spruce the place up" especially since I changed my blog design and I think it's too plain now. LOL.
Awesome choice for the post of the month!
hehe those button may look better on a snazzy template!
Wow you have truly plunged into blogging headfirst, haven't you! Thank you so much (again) for this button - and i vote HOT.
LOL my sidebar is always getting updated too. Thanks for the other blogroll link, I'm on Izzy's but not the other one (off to join).
Well. Yeah, you're HOT. DUH.
And the only reason I don't have sidebar blinky stuff is 'cuz I don't know how to add it. And I am kinda a minimalist. Okay, not really. Mostly it's cuz i don't know how to add the stuff. Although, i do like my clean looking blog. UGH, you got me all conflicted now. Thanks a LOT. :) :)
Holy crap. the word verfication thiny is "ebcknmog". Good Lord, that's a lot of frickin letters. Being a minimalist and all I just don't know if I want to type all those letters. Hmmmm...*L*
I have WAY too much stuff in my sidebars. I need to weed. *sniff* I can't stop either.
I've got quite a few buttons in my sidebar as well, but I haven't added any new ones though.
BTW, voting you hot. :)
The buttons really do get out of control. I simultaneously love and hate them. I keep adding them and then deleting things to get a "clean" look. Who am I kidding? I have an orange floating head in my banner. It would be more fitting if I added buttons all over the place, in flashing lights.
um... i seem to have vanished from your sidebar you ditching whore! LOL
thank you for all the funny FUCKING stuff you said about me! lol.. SMOOCH!
and please ignore my last comment, because being the crackhead that either i, or my computer, is- i now see my lovely renting space once again. so yeah. carry on. nothing to see here.
LOL I went crazy w/the buttons recently and just lately started removing them! It was such a weight off my sidebar, er I mean shoulders.
Feelin' hot, hot, hot!
And I like anything with "chick" in the title, so thanks for the f*cking suggestion, b*tch.
your not only hot...your cookin!!!!
I agree with your perfect post choice!
Your site still looks so clean, not cluttered with nonsense. Geesh I've even got myself a weather girl! It is addictive.
You are rockin it!
I didn't even know what the "perfect post" was until today.
Yes, I am a moron. But I love reading your blog and of course, you're HOT, silly!
you deserve that award :) your posts are always very well written and fun to read. im gonna go with hot too , and i know what you mean about the button stuf, i cant stop adding stuff? now i have a spinning ribbon and a weather girl and i think im going to go get one of those other cute buttons you have lol
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