Monday, October 16, 2000

How to Nominate

To award a blogger with a ROFL Award, send me an e-mail
with 1) a link to the post you are awarding and 2) a link to your blog. Don't forget to e-mail me by the nomination deadline!

Upcoming Nomination Deadlines
November 13th (to award a post written in October)
December 5th (to award a post written in November)
January 8th (to award a post written in December)

Saturday, October 14, 2000

Love for MotR

My site was nominated for Best Parenting Blog!

My site was nominated for The Blogitzer!

Wednesday, October 11, 2000

Past ROFL Awardees

Mommy off the Record awarded Kevin Charnas

Soul Gardening awarded Mama Tulip*

Crankmama awarded Moobs

Between Diapers and Dishes awarded Mexico Movies

Ravin’ Picture Maven and Life, the Universe and Everything awarded Hulushki

Scribbit awarded Dandelion Mama

Hello Insomnia awarded Anne Nahm

A Beautiful Mess awarded Victorian Rhapsody And Dirty Dishes

Radioactive Girl awarded Chicky Chicky Baby

InsParenting awarded Mommy off the Record

Hell Broke Loose Today awarded Zube Girl

Bub and Pie awarded Momish

Stolen Moments awarded Sweatpantsmom

The Pink Diary awarded Memoirs of a Feline Empress in Exile

Slackermommy awarded Momish

Maniacal Days awarded Kevin Charnas

Momish awarded 8 Centimeters Deluded

Oh the Joys awarded Kevin Charnas

Bread Crumbs in the Butter awarded a peek inside the fishbowl

Sarah and the Goon Squad awarded I'm Doing the Best I Can

MOMBAT awarded Crankmama

Jennster awarded Kevin Charnas

*As you may know, Mama Tulip is taking a blogging break right now, but that doesn't mean she can't still win an award!

ROFL button

Chicky Chicky Baby and Radioactive Girl awarded Ruthless in the Suburbs

Life, the Universe, and Everything awarded World of One Thousand Different Things

Bub and Pie awarded Home on the Fringe

Momish awarded Slacker-Moms-R-Us

Have a Great Rest of Your Day awarded The Shizzle

Slackermommy and Ramblings of Maggie awarded Jennyology

Jenny from Mama Drama awarded Mom-o-Matic

Stolen Moments awarded A Beautiful Mess

awarded One Woman's World

Mommy has a Headache awarded Kevin Charnas

Jennster awarded Becky’s Blog

Mom/Ma'am/Me awarded Thought Concoction

Monday, October 09, 2000

About the ROFL Awards

Have you recently read a blog post that was so funny that you...

a) laughed out loud?
b) spit out your coffee?
c) chocked on your twizzlers?
d) fell off your chair?

Well, if so, then they probably deserve a ROFL Award!

The Rolling on the Floor Laughing (R.O.F.L) Awards are a monthly blogger award presented by bloggers to bloggers for some of the funniest posts on the Internet. Nominations are due by the second Monday of every month and awards will be announced the following day. If you'd like to award a post or just be on the e-mail distribution list to receive more information, please send me an e-mail.

The ROFL Awards are co-organized by Mommy off the Record and Izzy Mom. Thank you to Kvetch for suggesting the name for this award. And thanks to all of YOU for being so funny. Keep us laughing. We depend on it for our therapy!

I love to laugh!

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