I lost my wallet. With my ID, all of my credit cards, my Visa check card, and about 20 gift cards. See, I'm notorious for not using gift cards for like forever and now they're all gone. I had one to JCrew, one to Old Navy, one to the Mall, one to Starbucks...I would go on, but I don't want to cry.
Fuck. I am so pissed. I have looked everywhere. In the cars, around the house, in my pockets. I've called around to places I've recently visited. Nothing.
It's gone.
So today I spent the whole day canceling all of my credit cards, making a DMV appointment to get a new ID, and putting a fraud alert on my credit report. Fun times.
I just know that after all of this I'm going to find it somewhere really random, like behind the toilet or something. At least, that is my hope. My hope is that this is all Little Guy's fault and that he stashed it somewhere and that someday I will find it. Yesterday, when I asked him if he has seen it he said, "yes, it's outside!" jumped up from the couch and ran outside. I followed him out there and he promptly handed me a basketball, saying, "Here it is!" Great.
So, I think this whole wallet ordeal is a message from God. God is telling me to STOP SHOPPING. Yeah, with less than 30 days to Christmas and a helluva lot of presents still to buy, I now have no credit cards to use. Not the best time to deliver the message, but here it is. And I am ready to hear it. It is actually reinforcing something in me that I have been thinking a LOT about lately and that is - how much waste I contribute to our landfills, how much I buy that I really don't need, how much disposable junk I use that ends up in the garbage that will take 1000 years to biodegrade. It makes me feel guilty. It makes me feel sick like when I eat way too much cake. It tastes good at the time, but after eating it, I really regret it.
And there's nothing like Christmastime to reflect on this kind of stuff. This year, I actually set out to buy less presents altogether and not fall into the consumer trap of Christmas, but that is a whole post in and of itself. I will say that, incidentally, I lost my wallet on a shopping trip to buy presents for a family that I'm adopting for Christmas. It's just a mom and her son. On their shopping list? Clothes, blankets, and a tricycle. The blanket thing really got to me. Some people don't even have blankets to stay warm. There is something wrong with that. The other thing that got to me is that the woman in need is 30 years old and her son is 3. I am 30 years old too, and my son is 2. I don't even know her, but I felt an immediate connection just due to our ages. I bought a bunch of stuff for her - blankets, warm clothes for her son, a sweater and robe for her, a new trike, and a grocery gift card. The sad thing is that it's probably just a drop in the bucket of what they actually need. It was actually sometime right after that shopping trip that I lost my wallet. I am taking it as a sign that that was really the last thing I needed to buy for Christmas.
Anyway, the sudden loss of my entire wallet with all my credit cards sucks, but I am taking it as a positive message from the universe, which really relates to something that I have been slowly realizing over the past few months. I want to live my life differently. I want to consume a
lot less. I want to figure out how to make better, safer, healthier choices when I do buy things. I want to eat more naturally, find organic/natural/local food sources not just for produce, but also for meat and dairy. I want to stop using plastic altogether. And there is more, but I will stop there.
So I guess a "thank you" is in order. Thank you God for telling me that I am on the right track with my feelings of becoming a more conscious consumer.
Just please don't let anyone find my wallet and start opening credit in my name. Cuz I don't think I could forgive you for that one.
On a related note, if you are looking for a really great charitable gift-giving opportunity, check out the
Original Really Useful Gift Catalog. This is a reputable charity organization with lots of great donation opportunities.