Thank you kind folks who left me comments of support on my last post. Today was a slightly better day in that I didn't throw anything or scream. Progress.
I think I have adrenal fatigue. At least that is what my holistic doctor thinks. I went to see her today. Actually, I was there for the baby's follow up appointment for his excema. She asks me questions about myself though and I told her that I have been having crazy mood swings, especially since starting the elimination diet that she put me on. (By the way, I have lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks. I guess that's what happens when you eliminate all sugar, all processed foods, all white flour products, all wheat, and all dairy.) Anywhoo, it's not so good that I've lost all this weight because that means less fat to store toxins in my body and more toxins will escape to my baby during breastfeeding - just more shit to worry about. In the meantime, though, my bod looks great. Small consolation.
But I digress, back to the doc. She asked me about my moods and we were talking and she said that she thinks I have adrenal fatigue and she wants to set up an appointment to talk just about me so she can do an assessment. After hearing her 5.6 second explanation of how one gets adrenal fatigue (basically being stressed for years), I think it may be true that I have it. I would guess that many women have it and don't realize it. She said that when you have adrenal fatigue, you have no capacity to deal with stress so any little stressor will send you over the edge. (Considering, I threw an entire bowl of half-made guacamole all over the kitchen floor yesterday just because the avocados weren't ripe enough, I'd say, uh yeah, I have trouble dealing with stress.)
So, I guess I'm going to make an appointment with her. I think she could help me. I just wish insurance would cover it. Damn insurance companies. Grrr.
And finally (because no post is complete with a poopy update) we finally gave Little Guy Milk of Magnesia and that got him to go. We skipped the Miralax because when I googled it, I found this entire Yahoo Group of moms devoted to talking about how Miralax screwed up their kids due to side effects. I know some people have used it with success, but that freaked me out so I went with the Milk of Mag. He's going to be on it for the next two weeks or so and hopefully he will re-establish a normal routine of going every day or two. I hate to be a pessimist but I don't think it's going to be that easy. He hasn't been regular for months. I would definitely say he has chronic constipation and 2 weeks of a laxative probably won't cure the real problem. Oh and did I mention we want to try potty training him next week?