An Afternoon of Cultural Enrichment

I figured we should go check it out. For one thing, I want to my son to be exposed to quality learning opportunities regarding his Mexican-American heritage. For another thing, I like to eat Mexican food and you know how hard it is to find good Mexican food in California right?
That said, I thought it would be a great family outing for us so I dragged my Mexican-American husband (who would have really rather watched golf all day) with me and Little Guy to the festival.
It didn’t exactly turn out to be the enriching cultural experience that I had hoped for. Not really the festival’s fault I guess, but somehow it just, well, kinda sucked. Maybe it was partly due to the fact we were outdoors with no shade in 90-degree heat the whole time. I dunno.
Anyhow, here’s how we spent the afternoon:
Time spent walking two miles to the festival entrance because I was too cheap to pay to park in the lot: 20 minutesIn sum:
Time spent checking out the really cool art exhibit: 5 minutes
Time spent waiting in line for nachos: 45 minutes
Time spent looking for two squares of shade to sit down and eat our nachos: 15 minutes
Time spent eating nachos and watching some really cool-looking Aztec dancers wait to go on stage and dance: 10 minutes
Time spent reapplying Little Guy’s sunscreen: 0 minutes/oops forgot it at home!
Time spent worrying that Little Guy will get skin cancer some day due to his sun exposure at this event: 60 minutes
Time spent dragging my hot, tired butt back to the car and cursing myself for not parking in the lot: 35 minutes
Total time at the festival: 130 minutes(Well, at least I burned some calories.)
Total time increasing our awareness of Latino culture: 5 minutes
Total calories consumed: 500
Total calories burned: 1000