For the last 5 months I've been sleeping with another man. OK, it's not what you think. Our bed is only big enough for two, so I gave Husband the boot so I could co-sleep with the baby right after he was born.
So Husband has been sleeping on the extra twin in Little Guy's room and I have been sharing my bed with the baby.
I never co-slept with Little Guy. By the grace of God, Little Guy was an awesome sleeper who slept in his crib from the day he came home from the hospital, started sleeping through the night at 4 1/2 months old, and still to this day could probably sleep through a MAC truck breaking through our living room without so much as an extra snortle.
But this baby is different. Oftentimes, he can only sleep when he is sleeping next to me. And the thing is: I kind of don't mind. Well, I do mind when he wakes up every hour (like the last three nights) and I worry that he will roll off the bed. But I like the closeness. Ah, the closeness. It is wonderful to be able to roll over in bed, pop my boob in his mouth, and drift off to sleep with him. (Sorry, if that's stated in a vulgar way, but it really is a beautiful thing - trust me on this Facebook execs).
But today Husband decided that it is time to "ferber" the baby. He is 5 months old and he really should be sleeping in his crib - so says Husband. And I kind of agree. Kind of.
The honest truth is that I want Husband back in bed with me. But I want the baby in bed with me more. And they can't both be there. There's just not enough room.
However, I want to honor my Husband's request to come back to his bed. But I am sad. I feel like a chapter is ending. A little prematurely in my mind.
The baby is still, well, a baby. Why should he cry it out in his crib when I can soothe him to sleep so easily? It doesn't seem right - even if we agreed to let him cry for only 5 minutes at first.
Right now, I am just dreading hearing him cry at all. From his crib. In the other room. While I lay there in bed with Husband. Missing my baby.
Update and Request: Following the Environmental Working Group's report on
BPA in baby formula (and blogger reactions to it), Congress has launched an investigation into the use of BPA in the linings of formula containers. Yay! Score one for EWG and mamas everywhere! Here's
a link to a story on Congress' investigation.
EWG is now surveying parents on their kid's soft drink consumption as a way to gather data about routine exposures to common soft drink ingredients. It's a short survey, and anyone who takes it will get a free update with the results once they've compiled them. To take this survey, and help out with the study, please
click here. Pretty please! It's for a good cause!
Have you seen the cool (and safe!) Klean Kanteen sippy cup and organic cotton Moby Wrap we're giving away
over here? We've got a bunch of neat "green" goodies lined up to give away over the next few weeks too!